Satisfy your thirst with this watermelon refresher recipe

Welcome to my Watermelon Refresher Recipe! As a chef, I am always searching for refreshing and easy-to-make drinks to beat the heat during summer months. This recipe is perfect for those hot days when you want to cool down with a light and delicious drink.

Watermelon is one of my favorite fruits to use in drinks because of its high water content and natural sweetness. This recipe combines the fresh taste of watermelon with a few other simple ingredients to create a drink that’s perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue or just looking for a refreshing drink after a long day, this Watermelon Refresher Recipe is sure to satisfy your thirst.

The best part about this recipe is that it’s incredibly easy to make. With just a few ingredients and a blender, you can whip up a batch of this refreshing drink in no time. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can even try out some of the variations and substitutions I’ll be sharing later on in this article.

So grab your blender, some fresh watermelon, and get ready to make the perfect summer drink. This Watermelon Refresher Recipe is sure to become a staple in your recipe book.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Watermelon Refresher
Watermelon Refresher

Are you craving a refreshing drink that will quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds? Look no further than this Watermelon Refresher Recipe! This drink is perfect for hot summer days, and it’s so easy to make. Here are just a few reasons why you’ll love this recipe:

Firstly, it’s made with fresh watermelon which is not only delicious but also has many health benefits. Watermelon is full of vitamins A and C, which help to boost your immune system and keep you healthy. It’s also a great source of hydration, perfect for those hot summer days!

Secondly, this recipe is incredibly versatile. You can customize the drink to your liking by adding different flavors and ingredients. For example, you can add some mint leaves for a refreshing twist, or you can add some dragon fruit juice for a tropical flavor.

Thirdly, this recipe is perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue or just relaxing on the porch after a long day, this Watermelon Refresher Recipe is the perfect drink to enjoy. It’s light, fruity, and oh-so-refreshing, making it the perfect happy hour drink.

Lastly, this recipe is inexpensive and easy to make. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create a delicious drink that will impress your guests and leave you feeling refreshed. So why not give it a try? You won’t regret it!

Ingredient List

 Quench your thirst with this Watermelon Refresher!
Quench your thirst with this Watermelon Refresher!

Here are the ingredients you will need to make this refreshing drink:

For the Watermelon Juice:

  • 4 cups of seedless watermelon, cubed
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 lime
  • 1 tbsp honey

For the Sparkling Watermelon Refresher:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of fresh watermelon juice
  • 1/4 cup of syrup (1 cup sugar, 1 cup water)
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 cups of mineral water
  • Ice cubes
  • Mint leaves for garnish

For the Strawberry Watermelon Refresher:

  • 2 cups of fresh watermelon juice
  • 1 cup of strawberry watermelon juice
  • 1/4 cup of syrup (1 cup sugar, 1 cup water)
  • 1 teaspoon of lime juice
  • Dragon fruit juice (optional)
  • Mastiha or rose water (optional)
  • Ice cubes
  • Mint leaves for garnish

Make sure to use ripe and sweet watermelons to get the best flavor out of this drink. You can adjust the sweetness level by adding more or less honey or syrup.

The Recipe How-To

 This drink is the perfect pick-me-up on a hot summer day.
This drink is the perfect pick-me-up on a hot summer day.

Now it is time to make the Watermelon Refresher! With only three ingredients, this recipe is simple and easy to follow.


  • 4 cups of cubed seedless watermelon
  • 1 cup of sparkling watermelon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  1. In a large pitcher, add the cubed watermelon and honey.
  2. Use a wooden spoon or muddler to mash the watermelon and honey together until the watermelon has released its juices and the honey is well mixed.
  3. Pour the watermelon juice through a refresher cloth or paper towel into a separate bowl. Make sure to press the pulp with the back of the spoon to get as much juice as possible.
  4. Pour the watermelon juice back into the pitcher and stir in the sparkling watermelon juice until well combined.
  5. Add ice cubes and mint leaves for garnish.

This recipe makes a delicious and refreshing drink that is perfect for any occasion. Enjoy it on a hot summer day, at a party with friends, or even as a light cocktail mixer.

Substitutions and Variations

 Enjoy the sweetness of watermelon in every sip.
Enjoy the sweetness of watermelon in every sip.

One of the best things about the Watermelon Refresher Recipe is its versatility. While it is delicious as is, there are several ways to switch it up and make it your own. Here are some substitutions and variations you can try:

– Lemon and Lime: If you don’t have both lemon and lime juice, you can use just one or the other. Lime juice will give it a more tangy flavor, while lemon juice will make it more tart.

– Honey: If you don’t have honey, you can use maple syrup, agave nectar, or even granulated sugar as a sweetener. Adjust the amount to taste.

– Sparkling Watermelon Refresher: For a fizzy version of this drink, use sparkling water or soda water instead of still water. This will give it a bit of a bubbly kick.

– Strawberry Watermelon Refresher: Add a cup of fresh or frozen strawberries to the recipe for a fruity twist. You can also substitute the watermelon with other fruits such as dragon fruit, mango or pineapple.

– Mastiha Rose Watermelon Refresher: Add a teaspoon of mastiha and a teaspoon of rose water to the drink for a unique and exotic flavor.

– Watermelon Lime Cocktail: Add one or two shots of your favorite liquor (such as vodka, rum or tequila) to the recipe for a refreshing cocktail.

– Watermelon Mint Refresher: Add 1/4 cup of fresh mint leaves to the recipe for a refreshing and aromatic drink.

– Starbucks Inspired Refresher: Make a copycat Starbucks Refresher by adding a splash of dragon fruit juice to the drink before serving.

Make it your own by trying out different combinations of flavors and ingredients. The possibilities are endless with this Watermelon Refresher Recipe.

Serving and Pairing

 Say goodbye to boring drinks with this colorful and refreshing beverage.
Say goodbye to boring drinks with this colorful and refreshing beverage.

This Watermelon Refresher Recipe is an excellent drink perfect for hot summer days. It’s a refreshing and hydrating drink that can be served on its own or paired with a variety of dishes. Here are some suggestions for how to serve and pair this drink:

– Serving: This recipe yields 4 cups of watermelon refresher. You can serve it in a large pitcher, or divide it into individual glasses. Add a few ice cubes to each glass for an extra chill. You can also garnish the drink with fresh mint leaves or a slice of lime to add a pop of color and flavor.

– Pairing: This watermelon refresher pairs well with light and fresh dishes, such as salads, sandwiches, and grilled seafood. The sweetness of the watermelon complements the savory flavors of these dishes, making for a well-rounded meal. You can also pair it with spicy dishes to balance out the heat. Another great pairing is with fruit-based desserts, such as sorbets or fruit tarts.

– Variations: If you want to switch things up, try adding different flavors to your watermelon refresher. You can add a teaspoon of lime juice for a tangy kick, or a 1/2 cup of strawberry watermelon juice for a sweeter taste. You can also add a splash of dragon fruit juice for a fun and colorful twist. These variations will add more depth of flavor to the drink, making it even more enjoyable.

– Cocktail Recipes: If you’re feeling adventurous, you can turn this watermelon refresher into a cocktail by adding a shot of vodka or tequila. The sweetness of the watermelon will balance out the alcohol, creating a delicious and refreshing drink. You can also add a splash of Mastiha Rose to give it a unique flavor.

Overall, the Watermelon Refresher Recipe is a versatile drink that can be paired with a variety of dishes or enjoyed on its own. It’s perfect for any occasion, from a backyard barbecue to a fancy dinner party. So, pour yourself a glass, sit back, and enjoy a refreshing and tasty drink!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 A drink that will leave you feeling hydrated and happy.
A drink that will leave you feeling hydrated and happy.

This Watermelon Refresher Recipe is perfect for make-ahead preparation, making it ideal for serving at parties or gatherings. You can prepare the watermelon juice and syrup 1-2 days in advance and store them separately in airtight containers in the refrigerator. When you are ready to serve, simply mix the two together and add sparkling watermelon or mineral water to make it bubbly.

If you have leftovers, it’s best to store them in the refrigerator and consume within 2-3 days. The drink may lose some of its fizziness over time, but it will still taste delicious. To reheat the drink, simply pour it into a saucepan and heat gently on low heat. Be careful not to boil the drink as this will destroy the bubbles and change the texture.

When storing or reheating, it’s important to keep the drink covered to prevent it from absorbing any odors or flavors from other foods in the fridge. You can cover the drink with a lid or plastic wrap, or transfer it to a sealed container.

If you plan on making this drink ahead of time for a party, I recommend using a large pitcher to mix and serve the drink. You can also prepare a few different variations of the drink, such as the light strawberry watermelon refresher or the dragon fruit juice watermelon refresher, to cater to different tastes and preferences.

Overall, the Watermelon Refresher Recipe is a versatile and refreshing drink that can be enjoyed throughout the summer season. Whether you’re hosting a party or simply looking for a fresh watermelon drink to enjoy on a hot day, this recipe is sure to satisfy.

Tips for Perfect Results

 A summertime favorite that will keep you coming back for more.
A summertime favorite that will keep you coming back for more.

Now that you have all the ingredients ready, let’s go over some tips to ensure that your watermelon refresher turns out perfectly refreshing every time.

First, make sure to use fresh watermelon. The juice from a fresh watermelon will add a natural sweetness and a crisp taste to your refresher.

Second, if you prefer a sweeter drink, add more honey to the mixture. However, if you prefer a tangier taste, add more lemon or lime juice.

Third, add the sparkling watermelon juice and the sparkling water just before serving to keep the fizz intact. This will ensure that your refresher remains bubbly and refreshing.

Fourth, garnish your drink with fresh mint leaves or small watermelon cubes to add a pop of color and a refreshing aroma.

Fifth, use a cloth or paper towel to strain the watermelon juice for a smoother consistency. If you prefer a pulp-like texture, skip this step.

Sixth, for an extra burst of flavor, add dragon fruit or strawberry watermelon juice to the mix. These flavors complement the watermelon juice and add a unique twist to your drink.

Seventh, experiment with different variations of the recipe. Try adding lime juice for a punch of citrus or mastiha rose for a floral and fragrant taste.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy your watermelon refresher! It’s the perfect drink to sip on during a happy hour or to serve at a summer party.

Bottom Line


In conclusion, the Watermelon Refresher Recipe is a perfect drink for any occasion. It’s refreshing, light, and packed with natural flavors that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re hosting a summer barbecue, a pool party, or just want to enjoy a delicious drink on a hot day, this recipe is the one to try.

With its simple ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions, you can whip up a batch in no time. Plus, you can customize it to your liking by adding different fruits or swapping out the sparkling water for mineral water.

So, why not give this Watermelon Refresher Recipe a try and impress your guests with a tasty and unique drink? Trust me, once you try it, you’ll be hooked. Cheers to a happy hour drink that will leave you feeling refreshed and satisfied!

Watermelon Refresher Recipe

A nice semi-sweet watermelon drink that has about 1-2 servings of fruit. Great for kids!
It has the white seeds & is a little bit pulpy so if you prefer to have it pulp- & seed-free, strain it. Yummy!!

  • 2 cups seedless watermelon
  • 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • 1/3 cup pulp-free orange juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup diet 7-Up (optional)
  1. Add watermelon into a food processor or blender.
  2. Puree until as smooth as possible.
  3. Add honey & lemon juice. Blend.
  4. Add orange juice & 7up if you’re using it. Blend.
  5. If you are planning on straing the drink, do so now.
  6. Pour into tall glass or a few small ones.
  7. Drink up & enjoy!
< 15 Mins, Beginner Cook, Beverages, Brunch, Dessert, Easy, Free Of…, Fruit, Healthy, Inexpensive, Kid-Friendly, Lactose-free, Low Cholesterol, Low Protein, Melons, No-Cook, Small Appliance, Summer

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